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258503 258503 258503 rf IDEAS

rf IDEAS Access Control Reader
Part #: RDR-80581AK2 | SKU: RF 258503

The rf IDEAS WAVE ID Plus card readers increase the value of new and current ID badges by processing contactless and proximity smart cards at the same time. This dual-frequency rf IDEAS card reader meets the highest technological standards while providing the distinctive simplicity of use in a variety of applications. The WAVE ID Plus is also offered in an SDK compliant variant that can be integrated into most applications or hardware using the rf IDEAS Universal Software Developer's Kit (SDK) Any client, integrator, or end user who is working with multiple card technologies would benefit from a multi-technology reader. The WAVE ID Plus card reader also acts as a complete card analyzer for detecting compatible readers when used with the rf IDEAS Configuration Utility.

rf IDEAS Access Control Reader

Part Details: pcProx Plus Enroll Black 5v PS/2 RS232 Reader

Additional Information

Manufacturer rf IDEAS
Model Name WAVE ID Plus

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