- Barcoding
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- 1-888-875-7373
MS9520 Voyager features Metrologic's proprietaryCodeGate technology. CodeGate is an intuitive scanning system that isideal for all scanning applications, including menu-scanning, Point-of-Sale,document processing, and inventory, just to name a few.
CodeGate works hand-in-hand with Metrologic's patented automatic-triggeringscheme. Simply present a bar code to thescanner; the high-visibility,650-nm laser is automatically activated allowing the user to easily selectthe bar code to be scanned. Press the CodeGate button and the data istransmitted to the host system.
Equipped with both In-Stand and Out-of-Stand operation, MS9520 Voyager can be used as both a hand-held and fixed projection scanner.Voyager automatically senses when it is placed in the stand and de-activatesthe CodeGate button.
The MS9520 Voyager is packed with all of the same features as theMS9520 Voyager , with the exception of CodeGate.
Two Models, Great looks, Top Performance... MS9520 Voyager and Metrologic MS9540 VoyagerCG Scanners have it all!